Hello everyone! I got an exciting post today. I say that in every post did I? I think every post is exciting. Bare with me! Todaaay! I am going to influence you to shop more. Haha. Oh well. Yes, why? Check out these cute lip scrub! No introduction hey. Gula Co is a brand from Indonesia and now its available to be purchase here in Malaysia from Lipsandcolours. They all sorts of product from Gula Co such as these lip scrub and many more products such as Wet & Wild, Nyx, EOS, Sleek, Golden Rose and many more.
GulaCo. is a brand that carries homemade skincare made with natural, and fresh ingredients. It is safe for all ages and all skin types. No side effect because it doesn't contains artificial colorants, preservatives and harmful chemicals.Yummy Lip Scrub is useful to repair lips' condition and it's also edible. These Yummy Lip Scrub comes in 5 different flavours. Coffee, Ocha, Cocoa, Strawberry & Honey. It last about 2-3 months or until it turns weird (smells something wrong). Make sure you pick up these lip scub wih your hands clean to keep it last longer.
What I like about it. It's different from other lip scrub that I tried. First of all, I love the packaging. The size is so cute. It comes in a 2 layer plastic jar with different flavour design on top. I thin its pretty cute. My favourite gotta be Strawberry. It smells so good and its yummy! Taste like cotton candy! Another thing that I like to highlight are the texture. It's different from any other lip scrub I tried. It is grainy but soft. Its like a powder but not too soft in a way its hard to scrub in. I find that this is more gentle to be use than the one with sugary texture. Writing about this makes me think about eating it! Serious sedap! Price wise, oh come on. Its RM12 each! believe me you are gonna love it. The jar is pretty cute. Looks so nice in my Lip Care drawer. Love it!
What I don't like about it. I think none! I love this stuff. It's affordable, cute, great for collecting, easy to use. What else can I say.
Overall & Recommendation. I recommend you to try these. Try one flavour as a start. Choose Strawberry or Honey if you love sweet flavour like cotton candy. A bit of bitter sweet choose the cocoa & coffee. Love green tea? Try Ocha. When you first got this lip scrub, it will be hard to scoop out as the top part is firmly pack with the scrub. so try scooping it with a small spoon. It's more hygienic too. Cover down your chin with a tissue and rub off this lip scrub on to your lips to avoid messy situation. After that actually I recommend not to lick your lips. Haha. Saliva can cause dryness to your lips. Wipe off with damp tissue or wet wipes then apply lip balm. Now kissy2 that pouty lips. Check out Lipsandcolours for more products info and order.

Price : RM12.00 each jar
Net Weight : 20g each jar
Where to buy : https://instagram.com/lipsandcolours/ | Whatsapp & Telegram : 0197714780
More Gula Co products shop at :
really looks yummy...:p
ReplyDeleteit is! kene dengan nama
DeleteSemua nampak sedap la! <3
ReplyDeletegrab semua.. collection <3
DeleteKyaaaaa~! Macam mana laaa Sab selalu dapat jumpa produk comel-comel ni ^_^
ReplyDeleteYou know what, I think I'll probably try this lip scrub out! :D Sebab selalu nampak orang jual lip scrub yang grainy texture tu kan. Tapi I rasa macam boleh buat sendiri je. So bila nak beli pun mesti fikir 2-3 kali. Berbaloi ke tak.
Tapi lip scrub yang ni Sab cakap texture lain dari yang lain kan? Okay in shaa Allah I'll try and order one ^_^
hehe.. sebagai peminat brg2 comel. has to discover all these!
Deleteyay! go and try it out. comel, serious comel! and yep, texture dia lain. even lush lip scrub pun tak macam ni.
ocha looks interesting to me!
you must be a green tea lover! hehe
DeleteI am! The thing is I can hardly see any lip scrub in green tea flavour!
DeleteOkay. These look tempting too! (Other than your post about liquid lipstick). Haishh..reading beauty blogs for years (yours one of them) seems to make my duit melayang-layang sebab terpengaruh.hahah
ReplyDeleteyes it isssss hehe... memang. i yang blog about beauty stuff pun, went to otehrs blog and get influence. haiyaa... never can have enough when you are obsessed with it. hehe
DeleteHahaha..thats the major problem for girls yg suka beauty products ni. Even cakap sikit je about a particular product, ramai je yg terpengaruh utk beli.lolol!
Deletetakut termakan je.. ahahah
ReplyDeletesab selalu trmakan. sedap! haha
DeleteHomemade products mmg sgt2 best...
ReplyDeletei made them at home too..
senang...anytime rasa nk scrub lip..boleh guna
thats nice!
DeleteNampak sedap sangat, biase gune smitten tu je. Tapi ni nmpk cam best jeee. Great post kak sab!
thanks dear <3
DeleteThe awesome part --> natural, and fresh ingredients and of coz tak ada chemical..Hehe..
ReplyDeleteKenapa cute-cute sangat benda2 macam ni. hehe.. Should have a try on this, dah la affordable lak tu.. Nak buat collection jugak lah.. heeee.. :D