Hada Labo is once a viral when their Arbutin Whitening Lotion is the No 1 Whitening Lotion in Japan. I personally use it and I had positive feedback about the lotion. One of the best lotion/moisturiser I ever use. Hada Labo came out with 4 face wash and one of them are this, Mild & Sensitive Skin Face Wash. You can view the other 3 face wash here – Hada Labo Face Wash. The Mild & Sensitive Face Wash is formulated with natural ingredients such as Licorice Extract, Calendula Extract & Ginkgo Biloba Leaves Extract. Licorice Extract is the ingredient that helps to soothes sensitive skin from irritation. Calendula Extract relives redness and Ginkgo Biloba Leaves protect your skin from ageing.
It is said that this face wash also contains Hyaluronic Acid and free from fragrance, colorant alcohol and mineral oil. Obviously as its name, this cleanser are formulated with a less irritation ingredients with a pH5 balance that is suitable for sensitive skin.
Since it is free from SLS, so it does not lather that nicely. I like a cleanser that foams up and lather. Since I don’t have sensitive skin, this cleanser does not do much to my skin. It is basically a very very “light” cleanser. It does not have any scent and colourant. My experience in using this cleanser is that it does leave my skin feels clean and does not dry out. But I don’t know. This cleanser is just not meant for me because of my skin type. Nothing to hype about. :(
Overall & Recommendation. I recommend this cleanser for someone who have sensitive skin. This is definitely for you because it is mild and gentle on the skin. Does not irritates and made from natural ingredients. So to you out there who ask me what cleanser is suitable for your sensitive skin, you might wanna try this! More info about Hada Labo products go to - http://www.hadalabo.com.my/

Price : RM 20.90
Where To Buy : Major pharmacies
Net Weight : 100g
**Disclaimer - This product were send to me for product review purposes
Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!
Hi...have been reading your blog for quite a while. So wanted to know what kind of skin products are you using. I have difficulties in choosing the right products and most have done no changes to my skin. Please share. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHello Asha, Thank you so much. I don't have a specific skincare product since I always need to try something new. hehe. but here is my tips on how to make your skincare works. First of course the skincare have to suits your skin needs. Dry/combination or normal or oily. Then make sure your skin is really really clean before applying your skincare. Especially during the night time. Makeup residue, or clogged pores with not help your skincare to absorb properly. Try to include baby wipes routine before cleansing your face. Its a mild and gentle exfoliation technique I use everyday. Plus its affordable! And also, monitor what you eat. It is the most important thing. Junk food, high sodium food will make your face dull and weak. Drink a lot of water whenever possible! :)
Deletehi! hada labo ada product untuk oily skin tak? thank you!
ReplyDeleteHm.. rasanya ada.. ce check kat website dia. sab bru letak link ada kat atas :)
Deleteokay! thank you :)
ReplyDeletemy pleasure!
DeleteThank you for sharing your tips. :)
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! :)
Deletehi, saya nak tanya, kenape kulit saya kering dan mengelupas kecil2 lepas guna produk ini? is it not suitable for me? and do i need to change to other product. i have been using this product in about 5 days already. thank you.
ReplyDeletehi dear, I am not sure why. could be you sensitive to certain ingredient dalam tu. kalau ada kesan buruk, better change.
Deleteyeah i have known that my skin are very sensitive and it's really hard for me to find the suitable product for my face, but i dont expect it would be like this. could you tell me the solution on how to find the most suitable product for my sensitive skin? should i seek advices from the specialist?
Deletemaybe the best is to seek specialist advice. :)
DeleteMuke breatout naik gatak ruam leh pakai x...gatak muke
ReplyDeleteThanks you for your sharing sis. I dah lama guna product Hadalabo ni. In the same time, i guna scrub ST Ives (avacado) really good combination. Lepas guna tu memang lembutt glerr kulit muka i. Apa2 pun u all mesti WAJIB guna 5 step ni. 1- scrub 2- cleanser 3-Toner 4- Moisteriser 5-Sunsreen / Sun block. Then, drink more plain water gurlss.. In Syaa Allah u got a Healthy Skin ever.. Muacchh :-)